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Whitening foam magic?! || Puresmile*

Confession time: When i was a child i hated brushing my teeth, i brushed usually once a day. Sadly my parents were never the type to check my teeth after brushing just to see if i brushed them, so all my life I've known to not have the whitest of teeth compared to everyone else.

I've had multiple, teeth whitening services while at the dentist growing up yet i always neglected my teeth and they weren't the best.
But realising that my teeth should be cared for, they've been a lot better for a couple of years.
I was lucky enough to be sent a whitening product from the services of Puresmile and although my teeth isnt a stained that bad, I did want to start trying out whitening products again in hope for a whiter set of teeth, so what better time to try it than now?!

The way the whitening and cleansing foam works is by dispensing the foam onto your toothbrush and then brushing your teeth like usual with it. 
While brushing, the foam pretty much doubles in size in your mouth but you let the foam dissolve into your teeth, which gives your teeth the whiter factor.
As I'm used to wetting my toothbrush before applying toothpaste (anyone else like me?!), it was weird having to get out of my usual habits for the sake of testing the product.
But for those who question this, i did accidentally wet my toothbrush before applying it and i found that the foam turns into a gross mess, like liquidy toothpaste that didn't foam up so yes A DRY TOOTHBRUSH IS A MUST.

Clumsy me, happened to lose the lid before taking pictures.

When i first saw the pump, it instantly reminded me of a submarine periscope. It just looks huge, though I'm assuming the bigger the better..foam?
Anyways the Teeth Whitening & Cleaning Foam retails for $39 AU, which sounds pretty ridiculous but comparing it with the toothpastes sold at your local woolies or coles that claims to whiten teeth this one actually does whiten your teeth, believe it or not.
Before getting onto my whitening experience i do have to say that the foam does have a taste that isn't that great, i mean its not pleasant but its not great, it reminds me of going to the dentist which makes sense as it does include the same ingredients that dentists use. The taste makes it hard for me to not rinse my mouth after as it does state to not rinse your mouth for 15 minutes, but i like to think that the foam is whitening my teeth by the second which helps me try to handle the foam taste.

Excuse the lighting difference
I have been using the foam for about 2 weeks and it does state to use it for 10 days in the morning and night.
Though i have been using it for 2 weeks i did switch it out for toothpaste a few times as i found that my teeth didn't feel as clean as it would with toothpaste. The usual toothpaste kept my teeth pretty clean from plaque up until about after dinnertime whilst the foam had it up before the afternoon, it felt horrible and made me want to go brush 3 times a day.
Aside from that the outcome of the foam did work for me, even though the pictures doesn't really do much justice unless you look closely. I find that my teeth are noticeably whiter on my front top and bottom teeth. The surround teeth are slightly yellow but it isn't to the point that its screaming yellow which i like.
I'de have to say that out of all the whitening products I've used this one did do a little something something on my teeth, I'm surprised this one actually worked for me even though it was a slight difference. I've spent quite a lot on whitening products and services and they just never worked out for me so its good knowing not all is a sham.
I may just try incorporating this as my nightly toothpaste while using my normal Colgate in the mornings, just to see if it will whiten anymore but other than that ill be keeping this bad boy for the future when I have white teeth to maintain them.

You can check out the Whitening foam here


*Product was sent to me to review. 100% honest review as always

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