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Stiletto Nails- Hot or Not?

Have you seen them on your favourite celebrities such as Rihanna, Adele, Lady Gaga or Beyonce?
Rihanna Source: Google
I have a love/hate relationship with them.
They're very unique but kinda scary. Definitely not corporate office friendly (in my opinion).
Imagine the stares I would get if I was conducting a presentation with those bad boys. Oh man!
Since I'm about to cut my nails off, so I decided to play around with the trend a bit.

I should have taken pictures of my process but it was sooooo basic.
All I did was take a nail file and file the edges of my nails until they came to a point.
I know I didn't get the claw look but you get the point(pun intended).

Are Stiletto Nails- Hot or Not?

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